Tag: positivity

Its all about your PERCEPTION

Life is about living. It’s about feeling. It’s about recognizing your environment and adapting to it. Colder temps? Put on more clothes. Hotter temps? Throw on those shorts and flip flops. Don’t adapt? Suffer.

How does our body adapt to it’s environment so we can thrive, in an ever changing world. One answer: your nerve system.

Imagine millions of messages every day, flooding your brain. Messages about temperature, pressure, balance, pain, etc are constantly hitting your brain to be processed and assimilated into action. These messages eventually turn into physiology. Good messages=better function. Bad messages=poor health. I know this seems like conjecture and it is an oversimplification, for sure. But this is the reality. Your sensory input drives function. It drives healthy gene expression. When it’s lost, so goes health.

How do I improve sensory input and therefore, health?

Learn to see your environment differently.

-Think well. Avoid negative thoughts that sabotage your health!

-Move well. Incorporate balance training daily!

-Sleep well. 7-8 hours!!

-Feed your body well. Avoid sugar, dairy and gluten as well as processed foods.

-Develop a highly adaptive spine, full of motion and strength, that protects your nerve system. Get adjusted! Ignore people who don’t know why!

-Laugh a lot.

Bottom line: to heal well and fully express your god given potential, you must see the environment differently. Your sensory input is the key to good health.

We wish you all the best in living the best YOU, through a healthy nerve system that sees the world differently!

Self Responsibility

I’d love to take credit for how your body heals, but I can’t. Just as I have no control how your body responds to care. Has there been a lifetime of neglect and inactivity? Are you eating a lot of fast foods and not sleeping? Do you smoke and consume excess alcohol? Unfortunately, every tissue in the body has a limitation. It can only take so much stress until it becomes sick. This “limitation of matter” has to be addressed if you’re going to get well.

The truth is, I wish I could heal for you. It just doesn’t work that way. Taking responsibility for your health and making lifelong changes is where the real healing begins. The problem is that IT IS HARD to look in the mirror and recognize that change is needed. That means we have to acknowledge our shortcomings and make change that allows the body to heal better. We have to recognize it is our responsibility and ONLY our responsibility. Tough to do!

Want better relationships? Take responsibility for making them better!

Want more health? Take responsibility and make changes for a healthier you!

Want less pain and sickness? You know the drill!

The bottom line is that you CAN change. You CAN be healthier. You CAN be better today than yesterday.

We’re honored to be your partner in healthcare and will be with you every step of the way as you make the changes needed to be BETTER!

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